They make it all worth it...

They make it all worth it...
B and Camy

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photoshop CS5

My newest venture, Photoshop.  
Unfortunately, I know absolutely nothing about it.  
Fortunately, they have youtube videos for tutorials.
Unfortunately , my internet is slower than molasses and will not allow me to watch said videos. 
Fortunately, they make books to teach you  the same thing. 

I will have to make a point to invest in some of these books, so I can learn to do some photoshopping. 
I am very excited to learn how to do all this, but it seems very overwhelming at the moment.  Hopefully, some good pictures will come out of the adventure. 
I am trying much harder to keep taking pictures, and I am ready to start getting serious about the kids' scrapbooks.  Like I need more on plate?!  The weather is just starting to get nice outside, so the kids want to be outside all the time, which does not leave much time for indoor hobbies.  

But hey, at least the weather is finally start to straighten itself out! 

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