They make it all worth it...

They make it all worth it...
B and Camy

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Take that agoraphobia!

So, I have this issue of agoraphobia... I don't mind the crowds, and all that...its driving! I enjoy driving,  but I have an anxiety problem, with having a fear of not having a bathroom close by, should I need it.  It sounds ridiculous to me too, believe me.  Ive had this problem since I moved from Manhattan, a year and a half ago.  Just found out at the end of summer, that I'm in fact not crazy, this is an actual problem.  But Ive done extensive reading, and learning about how to control this, and I'm doing much better.  In fact, tonight, we went out to eat and I was completely unmedicated!  I haven't went out to eat much in the past year and a half, and when I have, I have to medicate to be able to handle it.  But tonight, was different.  And I want to think that it was a major turning point in all this I have been going through the last few months.  I have prayed and prayed that it would just go away, because I didn't want to feel like this anymore.  It has taken a lot of work and overcoming an anxiety disorder is very difficult.  But I know now, that I CAN and WILL do this.  

On another note, we are working on painting Bradyns bedroom today.  He wants a Cars bedroom, so we have been painting a race flag border all along his wall...very tedious.  3" squares of black and white....this is the one time I'm glad his room isn't any bigger than what it is.  But it will be super cute once its finished.  The kids are sleeping in Camys room, let me rephrase... they are SUPPOSED to be sleeping in Camys room... so far they have been playing/tormenting each other/fighting for the last 2.5 hours.  Oh well, they're only kids once, right?
Apparently, there was a drive by shooting here tonight too, which has me a little scared... wasn't in my neighborhood or anything, but still this is a tiny town and I don't feel comfortable with people driving by and shooting guns...not really my cup of tea. 

Well, Ive got to get back to painting, I'm sure they other coat of paint is probably dry... I have lots more things on my mind, I will try to get to those soon :)

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