Well, I guess this first post will kinda explain what this is all about... It will be a collection of my thoughts... Im sure topics will range from parenting, chiefs football, politics, books, relationships, so on and so forth. I cant promise that it will always be entertaining, but I will try to be consistent with my postings. I remember as a child, I had a diary and I was terrible about writing in it regularly, so hopefully this works out slightly better than that.
A stay at home mom has lots of thoughts that go through her head all day, everyday and a blog seems like a good place to put all those thoughts.
One thing I definitely do want to share, I ran across this site yesterday, that may very well be the coolest thing since sliced bread. swap.com You can go to this site, make an account, and trade your books, video games, movies, cds that your done with. You make a list of things you want, and you make of things you have, and they do all the work to set up the trade. A trade costs .50 - $1.00 depending on the item, and then pay for the shipping. Still cheaper and more space saving than goin to the store to get that new book/movie that youre wanting. I have done 1 trade so far, and it says Ive saved about $9. I dont doubt it, seeings how I traded a movie Ive seen a million times, that plays on tv every other week, for a book I normally pay around $8 for. Really you should try it out. And maybe trade me some things...
Well, I am going to go ahead and post this, I may have some more thoughts to share a little later... we'll see...
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