They make it all worth it...

B and Camy
Monday, January 24, 2011
Read the User Manual before using!
This the cover for my scrapbook that is going to the foster care agency...
It was my first experience with the cricut... after almost throwing out the window due to frustration, I got it figured out. Amazing what reading the user manual will do for ya...
Yeah, Im THAT mom...
So, I received a book in the mail yesterday that I had swapped for... "The No Cry Solution to Potty training"... Never thought I would be one of those women that read books on how to raise her kids. But I have become that mom. (Reading blogs about parenting doesnt fall into that ridiculous category by the way) I mean, I read the "What to Expect When Youre Expecting", as most every first time parent does, but other than that, I didnt think I would be reading a book. Which goes to show that I am at very wits end with the whole potty training thing. B will be 4 in April, and still has no real desire to be potty trained. So, I am going to find out if this book thinks its something that Im doing. And after reading just a little, I have realized that I should have probably read a book from the beginning. So, I guess the moral of the story is that, its not all that ridiculous to read books about parenting!
In other news, Im really starting to get into scrapbooking. Well trying to anyways. I got a cricut machine off craigslist, and Im slowly figuring out what to do with it. I think that Im also going to start making my own cards with it. I think it will be a lot of fun once I really figure it all out. Scrapbooking is a very expensive hobby though, so Im researching ways to make it all a little cheaper. Ebay actually has quite a bit of scrapbooking supplies and its still cheaper than getting it from the craft store. I also think Im gonna look for a book or something to try and get some handle on what all Im doing. I honestly didnt think there was going to be so much to learn about gluing some pictures in a book! But it will be lots of fun!
Apparently, Im going to have to rearrange my hobbies though. I am a huge reality tv fan, and well just tv in general... but now that Im trying to do scrapbooking, blogging, reading, and such I have a whole pile of shows sitting in my dvr, unwatched. Although, the obvious solution is to just cut back on watching some TV it causes me great pain to think that Im not going to be able to watch all my shows. But on the bright side, I have already cut out one show, The Bachelor... Now I just needed to decide what other shows I can live without...
Well, I think that is all for now... Gotta get busy doing my 1003 other projects... :)
In other news, Im really starting to get into scrapbooking. Well trying to anyways. I got a cricut machine off craigslist, and Im slowly figuring out what to do with it. I think that Im also going to start making my own cards with it. I think it will be a lot of fun once I really figure it all out. Scrapbooking is a very expensive hobby though, so Im researching ways to make it all a little cheaper. Ebay actually has quite a bit of scrapbooking supplies and its still cheaper than getting it from the craft store. I also think Im gonna look for a book or something to try and get some handle on what all Im doing. I honestly didnt think there was going to be so much to learn about gluing some pictures in a book! But it will be lots of fun!
Apparently, Im going to have to rearrange my hobbies though. I am a huge reality tv fan, and well just tv in general... but now that Im trying to do scrapbooking, blogging, reading, and such I have a whole pile of shows sitting in my dvr, unwatched. Although, the obvious solution is to just cut back on watching some TV it causes me great pain to think that Im not going to be able to watch all my shows. But on the bright side, I have already cut out one show, The Bachelor... Now I just needed to decide what other shows I can live without...
Well, I think that is all for now... Gotta get busy doing my 1003 other projects... :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
"This is genocide in America?"
I finally read an article about the shooting in Tucson, where they stated that they didnt think that Jared Loughner was politically motivated. Personally, I didnt think he ever was, but who am I? The reporting of the whole event has been far from correct from the git go, I mean, I had a pop up on my phone state that Giffords was fatally shot. Then, half an hour later the story changed to she was in critical condition, so why the entire nation jumped to conclusions and started blaming completely uninvolved parties absolutely blows my mind. First of all, Loughner was 22 years old. What has the political system done to him in 22 years of life, (only 4 years of being an adult) to make him want to gun down any political figure? Second, the authorities just did some investigating, and discovered his actions the day/night prior to the incident. After reading everything he did in the hours prior,( and the note that he left on his social networking page, it would occur to me (just a normal, unpolitical, human being) that he was suicidal, but didnt have the testicular fortitude to do it himself, and decided that death by cop/security, would be the easiest route to take for him. Im not promoting what he did, but I would think that there would be some level of security at an event like that, so I understand that he thought that would be good way to get shot. However, there wasnt any security there and his plan backfired considerably. I dont feel that any of this was really ever thought about, everyone just started jumping to conclusions, and the news was the definitely the first people to jump on the political bandwagon. Not that its surprising. The entire country has been in an uproar over the most ridiculous things for the past week, for what?? Funny how no one thinks there needs to be stricter gun laws until something happens. And who's to say that had he not had a gun, that he wouldnt have chose some other sort of way to accomplish his same mission. And, then of course were going to start blaming people, ie Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, that had nothing to do with the situation, and then were going to act appalled when they stand up and defend themselves. Seriously America, is this what we've become? Heres a thought, if we really feel the need to blame someone other than Loughner himself, how about we go with his parents? He was living at home, and obviously very unstable, even friends that didnt associate with him anymore could state those facts, yet his parents didnt try to get him some help, or try to figure out what was going on with him... ( I think that should blame be passed, it should be passed onto them. I am a parent, I know when my kids arent feeling good, or are having a bad day, so you cant tell me that you dont notice serious depression and psychotic behavior in your child. That being said, I dont think the blame should fall anywhere other than on Mr Jared Loughner himself. Mentally unstable or not, he still killed six people and wounded 13. I dont think theres any doubt in anyones mind that he did need help before this ever happened, and now the debate will turn to whether or not he should receieve the death penalty. So, let me share my thoughts on that too. I dont think it should in any way depend on who the victim is whether you should receive the death penalty. (Even with the whole law enforcement thing) So, that being said, I also do not think that being "crazy" should be a justifiable defense to killing someone. I think that the death penalty should definitely be one of the options, and leave it up to the jury on whether or not he gets it. More than likely he will plead insanity and will sit in a psych ward for the rest of forever. At least with him pleading insanity, we know it wont be a lie or excuse...he is actually insane!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Take that agoraphobia!
So, I have this issue of agoraphobia... I don't mind the crowds, and all that...its driving! I enjoy driving, but I have an anxiety problem, with having a fear of not having a bathroom close by, should I need it. It sounds ridiculous to me too, believe me. Ive had this problem since I moved from Manhattan, a year and a half ago. Just found out at the end of summer, that I'm in fact not crazy, this is an actual problem. But Ive done extensive reading, and learning about how to control this, and I'm doing much better. In fact, tonight, we went out to eat and I was completely unmedicated! I haven't went out to eat much in the past year and a half, and when I have, I have to medicate to be able to handle it. But tonight, was different. And I want to think that it was a major turning point in all this I have been going through the last few months. I have prayed and prayed that it would just go away, because I didn't want to feel like this anymore. It has taken a lot of work and overcoming an anxiety disorder is very difficult. But I know now, that I CAN and WILL do this.
On another note, we are working on painting Bradyns bedroom today. He wants a Cars bedroom, so we have been painting a race flag border all along his wall...very tedious. 3" squares of black and white....this is the one time I'm glad his room isn't any bigger than what it is. But it will be super cute once its finished. The kids are sleeping in Camys room, let me rephrase... they are SUPPOSED to be sleeping in Camys room... so far they have been playing/tormenting each other/fighting for the last 2.5 hours. Oh well, they're only kids once, right?
Apparently, there was a drive by shooting here tonight too, which has me a little scared... wasn't in my neighborhood or anything, but still this is a tiny town and I don't feel comfortable with people driving by and shooting guns...not really my cup of tea.
Well, Ive got to get back to painting, I'm sure they other coat of paint is probably dry... I have lots more things on my mind, I will try to get to those soon :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011 - trade books, CDs, movies, and video games - trade books, Cd's, movies, and video games
(sorry just figured out a way to actually share the site, so I did... I'm still trying to learn my way around all this new technology... but I definitely understand how my parents felt when computers were just coming out... I actually feel a bit sorry for them...
Ok, i will write more later... I am going to get some shut eye right now... Happy dreaming!
(sorry just figured out a way to actually share the site, so I did... I'm still trying to learn my way around all this new technology... but I definitely understand how my parents felt when computers were just coming out... I actually feel a bit sorry for them...
Ok, i will write more later... I am going to get some shut eye right now... Happy dreaming!
hmm.. first post
Well, I guess this first post will kinda explain what this is all about... It will be a collection of my thoughts... Im sure topics will range from parenting, chiefs football, politics, books, relationships, so on and so forth. I cant promise that it will always be entertaining, but I will try to be consistent with my postings. I remember as a child, I had a diary and I was terrible about writing in it regularly, so hopefully this works out slightly better than that.
A stay at home mom has lots of thoughts that go through her head all day, everyday and a blog seems like a good place to put all those thoughts.
One thing I definitely do want to share, I ran across this site yesterday, that may very well be the coolest thing since sliced bread. You can go to this site, make an account, and trade your books, video games, movies, cds that your done with. You make a list of things you want, and you make of things you have, and they do all the work to set up the trade. A trade costs .50 - $1.00 depending on the item, and then pay for the shipping. Still cheaper and more space saving than goin to the store to get that new book/movie that youre wanting. I have done 1 trade so far, and it says Ive saved about $9. I dont doubt it, seeings how I traded a movie Ive seen a million times, that plays on tv every other week, for a book I normally pay around $8 for. Really you should try it out. And maybe trade me some things...
Well, I am going to go ahead and post this, I may have some more thoughts to share a little later... we'll see...
A stay at home mom has lots of thoughts that go through her head all day, everyday and a blog seems like a good place to put all those thoughts.
One thing I definitely do want to share, I ran across this site yesterday, that may very well be the coolest thing since sliced bread. You can go to this site, make an account, and trade your books, video games, movies, cds that your done with. You make a list of things you want, and you make of things you have, and they do all the work to set up the trade. A trade costs .50 - $1.00 depending on the item, and then pay for the shipping. Still cheaper and more space saving than goin to the store to get that new book/movie that youre wanting. I have done 1 trade so far, and it says Ive saved about $9. I dont doubt it, seeings how I traded a movie Ive seen a million times, that plays on tv every other week, for a book I normally pay around $8 for. Really you should try it out. And maybe trade me some things...
Well, I am going to go ahead and post this, I may have some more thoughts to share a little later... we'll see...
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