They make it all worth it...

They make it all worth it...
B and Camy

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So a couple nights ago, Chris and I were watching "Just Go With It" on TV.  And the one part of the movie that really left an impact on me, is where Devlin and her husband (the sorority competition) were telling each other 3 things they loved about each other every time they parted.  While, in the movie, they end up getting divorced, it got me to thinking.  Why not tell each other what we love about each other.  Everyone likes to get their ego stroked every now and then, and to be honest I would like to know what qualities I have that Chris loves.  So, of course curiosity got the best of me, and I asked for 5 reasons.  These are the reasons I got: 

1. my personality (a little broad for my liking, but I told him he could expand on that later)
2. my smile
3. the way were so compatible, and can give each other all kinds of crap, and none of it is taken seriously
4. the way I let him be part of the kids life
5. my aura, the way I glow when Im around him (funny he should list this as one of his reasons, because everyone claims that Im glowing these days.  When you are overly happy with your life, apparently you glow!)

I was pretty happy hearing the reasons that I am loved.  And while he hasn't asked for reasons as of yet, I am going to come up with as many as I can.  

1. his eyes, its like they can see right through me
2. his smile, it doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in, all he's gotta do is smile that awkward little smile, and I can't even remember what I am upset about. 
3. his laugh, as cheesy as it may sound, that laugh can melt my heart
4. the way he talks, even with as much as much flack as I give him about it, I love the way he talks. I vow that I am not going to pick up on the redneck southern accent, but I do find it adorable.  
5. the way he interacts with the kids.  Ive always known that he's been good with kids, but he loves to spend time with them.  He has taken a genuine interest in being part of their lives.  And they need that.  And I need them to have that kind of relationship in order for this to work.  
*I might point out that this whole thing would probably be easier if I would write all the things that I don't love about him, because honestly, there are only a couple things that come to mind, and one of those includes his love of his own flatulence.... 
6. the way that my head fits perfectly into that crook on his shoulder.  Its never uncomfortable, it just works.  Every time.  
7. the way he will cuddle all night.  Never before have I been able to cuddle all night, but I can. And I love it.  
8. the way he has tried to change what I thought a relationship was supposed to be like.  He has made sure to show me that it should be a partnership in every way, shape and form.  While it has taken me some time, I am slowly adjusting to this new found way of life.  
9. the way he is always himself.  He never puts on a front, or tries to be someone he's not.  If you don't like it, then its your loss, not his.  
10. the way he never lets me forget that he loves me.  He is always telling me that he loves me, and every time those words leave his lips, I get that warm feeling with a side of butterflies.  

I can think of hundreds more little things that I love about that boy.  But basically, it all boils down to one thing.  I am MADLY in love with him.  

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